报告题目:HPLC-MS principle and applications,LC-MS interface and ionization
报告人:Yuegang Zuo教授(美国马萨诸塞州立大学)
报告题目:HPLC-MS principle and applications, LC method development and optimization
报告题目:HPLC-MS principle and applications, LC-MS case study
Yuegang Zuo教授,主要从事植物功能成分鉴定与分析。现任美国马萨诸塞州立大学达特茅斯分校化学与生物化学系教授、研究生部主任,美国马萨诸塞州立大学海洋科学与技术研究生院教授,美国科学促进会会士,美国化学会会士;美国自然科学基金化学、生物化学、环境科学和技术领域评审专家,美国NIH研究计划评审专家、美国USGS研究计划评审专家,巴基斯坦教育部外国专家,《Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan》、《Journal of Aging and Geriatric Medicine》、《Journal of Nutrition and Food Science》等学术期刊编委。Yuegang Zuo教授应邀在国际学术会议担任大会主席5次,主持课题20余项,获得科研经费200多万美元。发表SCI论文70余篇,论文被引用3000多次,其中发表于《Science》、《Talanta》、《Environmental Science and Technology》、《Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry》和《Journal Chromatography A》的6篇关于环境及生物体内自由基化学、植物抗氧化/抗癌酚类物质研究的论文被引用高达1361次。指导硕士和博士研究生32人,博士后和访问学者10人。
1. Wan D, Sharma VK, Liu L, Zuo YG, Chen Y. 2019. Mechanistic Insight into the Effect of Metal Ions on Photogeneration of Reactive Species from Dissolved Organic Matter. Environmental science & technology 53(10): 5778-5786.
2. Wan D, Chen Y, Su J, Liu L, Zuo YG. 2018. Ultraviolet absorption redshift induced direct photodegradation of halogenated parabens under simulated sunlight. Water research 142: 46-54.
3. Pahigian JM, Zuo YG. 2018. Occurrence, endocrine-related bioeffects and fate of bisphenol A chemical degradation intermediates and impurities: A review. Chemosphere 207: 469-480.
4. Chen Y, Liu L, Su J, Liang J, Wu B, Zuo J, Zuo YG. 2017. Role of humic substances in the photodegradation of naproxen under simulated sunlight. Chemosphere 187:261-267.
5. Ahmad N, Zuo YG, Lu X, Anwar F, Hameed S. 2016. Characterization of free and conjugated phenolic compounds in fruits of selected wild plants. Food chemistry 190: 80-89.
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